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    Arasta Bazaar

    Unwinding In A Modest Market 

    But if a lively marketplace where you are likely to lose yourself is not up your alley, a quick jaunt to the slow and well-organised Arasta Bazaar, the street market behind the Blue Mosque, and also one of İstanbul’s other historical trading posts, is well worth a visit for a calmer, haggling adventure. Here you will also find small shops selling traditional Turkish items such as authentic carpets, textiles, and glassware. 

    The market stalls of the Arasta Bazaar were originally built in connection with the Blue Mosque in İstanbul so that the rental income could finance the imperial mosque. 

    Thanks to its historical connection, the Arasta Bazaar - popularly known as Arasta Çarşısı - is centrally located, and right next to the bazaar is a lively open-air café serving tea, and Turkish food.  

    It is not only home to countless vendors selling various items and treasures worth taking home, but a chance to discover the secret under the bazaar: The Mosaic Museum of the Grand Palace. The Arasta Bazaar is a must for shopaholics, and the Mosaic Museum is a great addition for history and art lovers.

    So why not sit back, unwind and enjoy a cup of tea, while haggling over a handmade Turkish carpet or kilim. Or consider buying İznik-style ceramics, with the traditional colours of red, blue, and green, textiles and pestemal; the light towels used in Turkish baths, as well as fragrant soaps and many other goodies. Pick out a patterned hammam towel, admire the ornate Turkish lanterns, or take home a collection of exotic spices, or jewellery and teas that can also be purchased here.